Thursday, February 6, 2020

The Palestinian Land Ownership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Palestinian Land Ownership - Essay Example Kanafani, Ghassan the author of "Men In the Sun and Other Palestinian Stories" in his story the â€Å"The land of Sad Oranges" says† equates the experiences of the Palestinians to oranges that dry and finally shrivel up. During the upheaval, a civil war was happening in Palestine when Israel declared its independence in 1948 in an attempt to establish an independent Jewish state. The move was inevitable since huge numbers of Jewish immigrants had moved there. The United nation’s bid to partition the land among Palestinians and the Jews were rejected by the Palestinians and the Arabs and this is when the western world joined in to support the Palestinians. Many Palestinians were killed brutally and were forced out of their land leaving behind their homes including the trees, sea, sun and even the cloud. The narrator tells the young boy that, "you and I and others of our age were too young to understand what the story meant from the beginning to the end" (Kanafani 75). Ghassan Kanafani demonstrates to the reader the catastrophic event of the war on the refugees. The author uses the symbol to show how the Palestinians became outcast the life after as refugees. The narrator says "when my glance fell on your fathers face †¦I saw at the same moment the black revolver and beside it an orange" (Kanafani 80). The audience is made to see his father’s face, black revolver and a shrivelled orange all at once. This is Kanafani’s attempt to show the relationship between the politics in Palestine and the possible practical solutions of the problem. In 1948, the Palestinian leadership had tried to liberate the land but it proved hard since the Arab countries did not support them (Farsoun 32).

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